Concorde 2, 13 April 2010
With only one single floating around our radio airwaves, it is hard to understand how Brighton’s Concorde 2 was able to sell out. Is it the numerous Joshua Radin songs appearing in popular television programs such as Scrubs and Grey’s Anatomy that has sealed the deal? Or the fact that the audience actually knows more of his back catalogue than originally anticipated. Whatever the conclusion, the American songwriter made his mark, dominating the minds of everyone there.
If ever there was a moment throughout the evening that would take your breath away, it was during his beautiful rendition of set opener ‘No Envy, No Fear’. As he softly picked the strings of his acoustic friend, the passionate sound of soul flourished from the lips of an underrated musician. On CD, his voice blends pleasantly upon the sound of guitars and strings; in the flesh, it’s a different story.
Joshua Radin doesn’t play things by the book; he likes to keep his performances fresh by altering his songs with a bit of a twist; whether it’s a tempo change or melody adjustment. Accompanying his variety of song-adaptations, the singer performs both acoustically, and with a full band proving that he’s more than a simple musician.
Although his album Simple Times has only just had a UK release, Radin confirmed that he’d been spending the last few months in London writing his follow-up album and was suffering from a so-called case of “album jedi battle”. He took the time to showcase some new material mid-set; both songs were of a light-hearted and tranquil nature.
Joshua Radin sings with a sincere set of vocals, and with the harmonies supplied by his backing vocalists, the audience are continuously left admiring… and unbelievably speechless. As the vocalist explained the messages behind each of his songs, it allowed the audience to gain a perspective of what it was like to be the front man. Following on from his crowd interaction, Radin descended into ‘Everything’ll Be Alright’; a song about Hurricane Katrina, and the spectacularly emotional ‘You Got Growin’ Up To Do’; a personal story of a hopeful breakup.
Squeezing in radio friendly single ‘I’d Rather Be With You’, the singer closed the evening in sensational style with an encore of bipolar performances; ploughing through crowd pleaser ‘Closer’ before another new song finished the set by building into a euphoric ending, leaving the vocalist showered in a rainfall of applause.
Words by Nicholas Coren

Joshua Radin
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