

Hometown: London

About: The spirit of the electric guitar is notoriously difficult to evoke. Many artists try, many fail, but one artist who has managed not only to find this spirit but nurture it into a full voice, is London based singer Laurel. Think Mazzy Starr but with more guts, more punch; like she’d write an entire diss-track about you if you insulted her cat. This is someone you don’t want to get on the wrong side of. A woman who has found the spirit of the guitar is a force to be reckoned with – and an absolute blast to listen to.

Why Care: Sometimes, in a world where rock songs are produced within an inch of their life, less means more.

Killer Track: “Adored” / “Same Mistakes”

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Edgar is a cooking enthusiast and an avid buyer of vinyl records, if he doesn’t pick up the phone it’s probably because he’s tucking into a scrumptious side of Tame Impala’s Lonerism (side B to be precise).
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