You thought three-piece bands were cool right? How about a three-piece that has a knack for creating very fast, very catchy bursts of pop-punk-meets-hardcore brilliance, oozing with energy and featuring some of the coolest riffs to have ever been played on an acoustic guitar (maybe). Very cool indeed. Hold The Fight, who earlier this year released their second EP “With A Breath & A Hope” play Brighton this month. Still riding the wave of that release’s critical success (you may have seen a track given away through a little magazine called Rock Sound) the band are embarking on a UK headline tour this September with solo artist Sam Little in tow. Sticky Mike’s Frog Bar will be the perfect place to get up close and personal with this interesting trio, with support from Sam Little, local alt/pop/rockers Glass City Vice, and Mother Tongue, making for an impressive night of entertainment.
7.30pm, September 22. £4 entry, 18+
Words by Sam Barnes
Preview: Hold The Fight with Sam Little, Glass City Vice, Mother Tongues. Sticky Mike's Frog Bar, Sunday September 22
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