Preview: Echo & the Beats, Prince Albert, September 19

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No it’s not the bastard child of Echo and the Bunnymen, and The Beat. It’s experimental ska-core from the twisted minds of four revolutionary punks.
Their sound resembles something like eighties econo-punks, The Minutemen, with a riot grrrl edge. It’s also great to hear some spoken word in modern music, and Echo include these and samples in many of their anarchic songs. They look like punks but they play like the end of the world is coming. The only way to save it? Blistering saxophone solo!
This is what the Brighton music scene is all about. Pushing boundaries, kicking ass and taking names. To be honest, Echo & the Beats are hard to define musically. So that’s an excuse for getting you to go see them live, because that’s where these guys do their best anarchic work.
With support from the noisy Shamu Just Bailed and the talented Brighton super group, The Island Jacks. There’s no reason not to attend.
Viva la Revolution!
8pm, September 19, The Prince Albert, £3
For more info visit
Words by JDF

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