Contrary to earlier reports, Dan Shears And The Velveteen Orkestra will now be playing at Latest Music Bar on Tuesday 13 April (and NOT at Audio).
“…Weaving tales of love, heartache and fantasy in his intensely dark and mystical style…,” the super talented singer/songwriter Dan Shears will support indie-popsters The Crookes next week. Together with his 13-piece Velveteen Orkestra, they will showcase tracks from their recently released EP The Eternal Mystery Of The Human Heart. Dark melodies, Calexico-style guitars, haunting vocals combine to form mature, beautiful folk-lullabies – this show is not one to be missed.
Tuesday 13 April 2010
Doors: 8pm (Dan Shears And The Velveteen Orkestra on at 9pm)
Tickets: £5 advance from
@ Latest Music Bar

Dan Shears And The Velveteen Orkestra – VENUE CHANGE
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