Audio, 27 August 2010
Photographs by Ella Penn.
What did you think of the gig?
Name: Mikey
Age: 26
Occupation: Stylist for Top Man.
“Really good night, wicked band to see live. Good to see a band like that at a gig like this.
I like the way the band gets involved with the crowd and show their characters.”
Name: Kane Boyle
Age: 21
Occupation: Sales advisor
“I thought their first 3 songs were great but I wouldn’t pay for their music.”
Name: Ali Reading
Age: 26
Occupation: Amateur poet.
“Really tight band very enjoyable night! Probably wouldn’t buy their music though.”
Name: Jack Deeks
Age: 23
Occupation: Promoter.
“ I have only seen them on a main stage or at a festival before. I think they work really well in a more intimate setting. They perform as well on a big stage as they do in a small venue.”
Vox Pops: Lonnie Coin.

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