Mat Horne / Maccabees

Mat Horne / Maccabees

New Hero, 15 February 2010
I arrive early to a pretty much empty New Hero, just a few kids waiting for the arrival of Maccabees and Bombay Bicycle Club, fresh from their NME date at the Dome and BBC’s star of Gavin and Stacey, Mat Horne. As time passed, the club filled up until the much anticipated Mat Horne came to the decks, proving that not only can he make you laugh and ‘aww’ at the same time on BBC3, he can actually spin a good few tracks. Making everyone enjoy ‘ironic’ hip-hop and Florence And The Machine can be pretty hard but he managed to even get the kids who think they are ‘too cool for school’ to jive a little. I had a courageous outburst and asked him the question my friends had made me promise to ask him, who killed Archie Mitchell? Which was met by a sequence of shrugs and eye rolling.
My star studded encounters didn’t stop there; I managed to catch a few words with Ed Nash and Rupert Jarvis of Bombay Bicycle Club and Maccabees respectively, but as it were, it started as more of them asking me a few questions. By the end of it was established their favourite albums were The Strokes with ‘Is This It?’ and Elliot Smith’s ‘Either/Or’, favourite pastimes are skateboarding and putting petrol in cars and their fans of ‘Arrested Development’ and ‘Prison Break’ on TV. Oh, and Nash blamed Archie’s death on Maccabees whilst Felix White was later adamant that Bradley killed him.
Of course, the highlight of this night was when Maccabees took to their DJ positions. Playing everything anyone wanted to hear and songs that got everyone moving; Beastie Boys and Sex Pistols were crowd favourites whilst Arcade Fire’s ‘Neon Bible’ even allowed the small mellow period needed at the end of a night. As it should be, the late James Brown and Michael Jackson made appearances, made some members of the audience ‘go wild’ than others.
In all, after the initial awkwardness of being alone in a near empty club, once the main attractions had done their thing the night was very impressive with, so I’m told, good drinks deals, awesome environment and most importantly music that you’d be have to be ill not to like.

What Did You Think of the Gig?
Thom: “The night is about to take a turn for the better, and not much Queens* to get in.”
*After a long and interesting debate ‘Queens’ now means money…
Jeff: “To summarise, thus far, it’s been jubilant and palpably enthralling.”
Tom, Lauren and Dell (left to right): “Amazing, lovely and Brighton is nice. Oh and also respect to Sam Lepad.”
Words by Louie Zeegen
Photos by Polly Hanrahan

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