This month Seven Webster & Claire Lloyd from music management company 7pm Management ask some of the music industries tastemakers what acts should we be cranking up and rocking out to this Summer. Heres what they had to say….
Stefan Curzon Price – Breakout Festival Brighton Promoter Not Tonight Josephine One of the wonders of social media, it gives bands like this a chance to find and connect with you and emerge from the vast choice of rock and metal bands in the USA. It’s fair to say they have something to appeal to everyone, from catchy/chanty melodies to a strong and truly “metal” scream. It all comes together in a well rehearsed, tight group, perhaps one to follow in A Day to Remember’s footsteps. Alpha Dog form EP Common Gold is definitely worth a listen! facebook.com/nottonightjosephine
Dom Smith – Editor – soundspheremag.com …And The Hangnails Yorkshire’s premiere alt-rock two-piece have been my buzz band for a good while. They’ve got this immense energy and drive to their material, and an undeniable confidence onstage that has seen them earn mighty comparisons to the likes of Death From Above 1979 and Middle Class Rut. With raucous performances at local and national festivals in the UK (including YO1) in the bag already, things are set to get very exciting this year. Get ready. andthehangnails.bandcamp.com
NEIL MACH – Editor (RAW RAMP) Mammút My favourite rock act at The Great Escape was Mammút from Reykjavik. Singer Kata takes the most subtle, twisting, melodies you can imagine – then weaves them into something even bigger and much more fluorescent. The band creates tiny flakes of sound that swirl around a room like enchanted gold dust. At other times you hear huge bear-shaped mounds of sound stomping boldly onwards. facebook.com/
JIM SHARPLES – Editor, (Big Cheese Magazine) Three Months To Kill Hailing from Essex, Three Months To Kill play hardcore punk-rock. And it really is. Passionate, angry and energetic, they’ve just dropped a free EP on Bandcamp called “Before Everything”. Influenced by the Boston hardcore scene that birthed the likes of Have Heart and American Nightmare, hints of Morrissey and Elvis Costello lurk underneath the wall of noise, with Johnny Marr-like guitar tones hitting in unexpected places. Threemonthstokill.bandcamp.com
Dan Devita – Booking agent (TKO booking agency) Crobot . The act that I am currently most excited by are Crobot from Pottsville PA. for fans of acts like Wolfmother and Sasquatch this band tick all the boxes and have more balls than a snooker table. They have just signed to US label Wind UP and I don’t think it will be long until the UK rock magazines jump on this band. Track to listen to “Legend of the Spaceborne Killer” facebook.com/Crobotband
Dan Devita – Booking agent (TKO booking agency) Crobot . The act that I am currently most excited by are Crobot from Pottsville PA. for fans of acts like Wolfmother and Sasquatch this band tick all the boxes and have more balls than a snooker table. They have just signed to US label Wind UP and I don’t think it will be long until the UK rock magazines jump on this band. Track to listen to “Legend of the Spaceborne Killer” facebook.com/
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