Back due to popular demand, the husband and wife act are Brett and Rennie Sparks. You may have heard their music on TV show True Detective, as it used “Far From Any Road” as its opening theme – YouTube counts for this hit song rocketed from two, up to an astonishing twenty million and still climbing! The song made the top 10 in the US and UK Spotify charts, and spent months in the iTunes top 100 in countries as far and wide as Vietnam, South Africa, and the Ukraine.
Don’t miss what is guaranteed to be a marvellous performance presented by one of Brighton’s favourite and longest established promoters, in the perfect setting of St George’s Church.
Info: 7pm, £20 +bf, 14+.
Visit for more great shows and to buy tickets.

MV Present: The Handsome Family at St George’s Church – Saturday March 24th
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