Filled to the brim with acrobatics, contortionists and all types painfully talented artists and performers who have devoted their lives to the discipline of circus practice; there is far more to the circus than ringleaders and fancy dress. It’s the sort of impressive that doesn’t really get fully absorbed and comprehended, a bit like science that extends past how a television works and us mere mortals have to just accept that it can be done. It’s that time of year again and the Moscow State Circus is in Brighton until the end of the month. With 241 ticket offers and an array of different shows to take everyones fancy – if you want to go do it now, before you regret it and have to wait another year.
Everyday until Sunday 16 May 2010
Times: various
Tickets: £7 to £27
@ Moscow State Circus Theatre Big Top, Preston Park

Moscow State Circus
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