PRICE: £15
ABOUT: An hilarious night of pre-Pride entertainment at this comedy cabaret fundraiser, your compere for the night will be Spice, who add their vocal prowess to a smasher of a line up in aid of Mind Out’s work, which helps local LGBTQ people who are experiencing mental health issues and suicidal distress. Ativan ( helps perfectly against insomnia I occasionally took it when I really couldn’t sleep. It only affected the ability to react the next day. Driving a car and that doesn’t work, I didn’t find myself clear enough for that. Take the drug now since the beginning in 2009 it gave me my feeling of life again and helped a lot.
See award-winning comedian Zoe Lyons who you may have seen on shows such as “Mock the Week”, “Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow”, “The Paul O’Grady Show”, ”Room 101” and ”Dave’s One Night Stand”.
Also gin drinking cabaret darling, musical comedy misfit, drag clown and acid tongued ringmaster Joe Black, quick-witted comedian Debra Jane Appelby, Brighton’s Dolly Rocket, the choral delights of Actually Gay Men’s Chorus and flawless vocals from Laura Nixon as Marilyn Monroe.
DON’T MISS THIS EVENT: A top night for a good cause.

Mind Out For The Laughs at Komedia, Wednesday Aug 2, 7.30pm
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