With Brighton in full-on party-mood this weekend with the culmination of Pride 2010, Hectors House is to add to the fever with feature showcase event The Free For All this Saturday.
The night is to be divided in two; from 8:30pm four acts in Anarvis, The Junk House, Trousseaux and Flash Bang Band will be performing alongside the usual sweets, treats, fun and games. Then, from 11pm onwards the night hits a more ‘clubby’ feel as the lights go down, featuring The Electric Riot and residents BreakinBear DVJ’s and general super-fun times.
Head on down for some entertainment of the free variety – and if you’re still not convinced these words describing the night from the hosts might do the trick: “Think Chinese New Year meets an electric dancing cinema.”
Saturday 7 August 2010
Doors: 8pm
Tickets: £Free
@ Hectors House

The Free For All
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