Pillowfight – Pillowfight; Tue Jan 22

Pillowfight – Pillowfight; Tue Jan 22

Pillowfight’s first single ‘Get Your Shit Together’ generated a buzz of interest in the possible future work of the collaboration (made up of Dan The Automator – perhaps most famed for his work on the Gorillaz’ breakthrough first album, and Emily Wells – long-standing singer-songwriter and violinist. Particular interest in the group also stems from the involvement of American muralist David Choe, the man behind all artwork, and at least two music videos.
And the album, available to stream now via Bulk Recordings’ SoundCloud, was worth the wait.
An inducement for introspection, musically, the staple formula is Dan’s hip-hop tracks overlaid with Wells’ slightly invasive vocals, sometimes with Dan taking to the mic himself, ‘Get Down’ being a particularly groovy example of this. It comes together to create a slightly dirty feeling sensation in your ears – a feeling that you’re experiencing something that shouldn’t quite be on show. Emily’s singing style, a rasping, breathy seduction of sound – similar to the sensual crooning perhaps epitomized of late by Lana Del Ray, and perhaps sounding most similar on the almost ethereal Darlin’ Darlin’ – pairs up with the mellow, sometimes near somnambulism-inducing urban backing from The Automator to induce a near dream-state of easy listening.
Check out their website at WeArePillowFight.com

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