Fortune Of War
Venue Info:
Fortune Of War, 157 Kings Road Arches
United Kingdom
First opening its doors in 1882, the Fortune of War is far and away the oldest seafront watering hole, and hence the only pub amongst numerous clubs and bars.
It is also the only venue in the whole of Brighton to be shaped like an upside down boat.
The main attraction though, is the extremely large beer garden, Brighton beach! Offering unparalleled views and atmosphere, the decor is traditional and the entertainment great.
Look out for a plethora of new DJ nights being unveiled by the music-mad management, as well as incredible pub playlists.
Contact 01273 205065
Opening Times
M 11.00 – 00.00
T 11.00 – 00.00
W 11.00 – 00.00
T 11.00 – 00.00
F 11.00 – 02.00
S 11.00 – 03.00
S 11.00 – 00.00
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