LIVE: The Subways

LIVE: The Subways

Concorde2, 7th April

Having spent the best part of the last three years producing a follow-up to their debut album ‘Young for Eternity’, The Subways have finally made it back to Concorde2 to stir up some pulses. XYZ’s Dave Drummond witnessed their blistering return.

Opening the set bare-chested and full of life, frontman Billy Lunn instantly had the crowd in the palm of his hand as he screamed his way through first number ‘California’. Recent surgery to remove a polyp from his vocal chords didn’t stop him from using the full force of his voice. Typical rock star. After a brief hiatus from the live scene it’s clear to see that the band relishes a return to the outlet they have been deprived.

Between each song, Lunn showered the assembled fans with compliments, praising Brighton, the Concorde2 and, of course, those who turned up. Feeding from the audience’s enthusiasm, the band reserved their best performances for previous hits ‘Oh Yeah’ and the encore of ‘Rock & Roll Queen’, which ignited an already dynamic audience. Despite ticking all the obvious boxes of rock star etiquette (hands in the air, standing on monitors etc.), the frontman managed to maintain a high-energy and entertaining set. Ending with an outrageous, albeit carefully planned, crowd-surf, the gig was over in under an hour, leaving only ringing ears and a mass transfusion of sweat.

The Subways are back; hitting the ground running, in a return to what they do best – setting an audience alight for fifty minutes then disappearing without a trace. 

Words by David Drummond
Photos by Paul Mulley


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