One Day Acrylic Painting with Denise Harrison (18 Jan)
Event Listing Info:
Event categories
10:30 AM
Location / Link:
Phoenix Art Space
See what's on & more about the venue at the above location page / link.
Develop your skills and increase your confidence in acrylic painting by experimenting with materials, equipment and techniques.
Develop your skills and increase your confidence in acrylic painting by experimenting with materials, equipment and techniques. The course will cover the formal elements of making a painting through exercises that include, colour, tone and composition. The group will be small and informal so that Denise can spend time tutoring each person.
This course is aimed at all levels. All materials and equipment are provided.
Costs: £85
Days: 1 Saturday
Times: 10:30 – 16:30
Dates: 18 January
Location: Red Room
Maximum: 8
Denise Harrison is a trained painter having gained her BA (Hons) degree in Painting at the University of Brighton and then an MA in Painting at the University of the Arts, London (Wimbledon). She is the author of the popular book ‘If You’re Bored with Acrylics, Read This Book.’ Denise has run creative arts classes and workshops for many years in Birmingham, London and Brighton. Her practice is based at Phoenix Art Space where she runs regular painting classes, as well as being a painting tutor at Cass Art Brighton.
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Phoenix Art Space
See what's on & more about the venue at the above location page / link.Develop your skills and increase your confidence in acrylic painting by experimenting with materials, equipment and techniques. The course will cover the formal elements of making a painting through exercises that include, colour, tone and composition. The group will be small and informal so that Denise can spend time tutoring each person.
This course is aimed at all levels. All materials and equipment are provided.
Costs: £85
Days: 1 Saturday
Times: 10:30 – 16:30
Dates: 18 January
Location: Red Room
Maximum: 8
Denise Harrison is a trained painter having gained her BA (Hons) degree in Painting at the University of Brighton and then an MA in Painting at the University of the Arts, London (Wimbledon). She is the author of the popular book ‘If You’re Bored with Acrylics, Read This Book.’ Denise has run creative arts classes and workshops for many years in Birmingham, London and Brighton. Her practice is based at Phoenix Art Space where she runs regular painting classes, as well as being a painting tutor at Cass Art Brighton.
Dress Code: None
Age Limits: Check at venue / lister / promoter's website